Troubleshooting: Resolume Arena MIDI controller
In this article, we'll walk through a couple steps you can take in case you are having issues controlling Resolume with your nanoKONTROL2 MIDI controller.
Possible Issues
- The MIDI input is not enabled in Resolume
- The incorrect MIDI shortcuts preset is selected
- The MIDI shortcut file has been edited
Before moving on, it is always good practice to try these two things to see if they resolve the issue:
- Save and Quit Resolume Arena, then re-launch it.
- Save and Quit Resolume, then fully restart your computer and re-launch Resolume.
If those steps do not resolve the issue, continue reading as we walk through how to identify and resolve the issues listed above.
The MIDI input is not enabled in Resolume
- In Resolume, go to Arena > Preferences... in the menu bar.
- Select the MIDI menu in the sidebar.
- Under the nanoKONTROL2 SLIDER/KNOB option, make sure MIDI Input is checked.
- Also verify the Middle C = C3 option is selected below.
(If you do not see nanoKONTROL2 SLIDER/KNOB listed under MIDI devices, reconnect your MIDI controller and click Refresh. If it is still not listed, try also restarting the computer and reconnecting the MIDI controller.)
The incorrect MIDI shortcuts preset is selected
In Resolume, go to Shortcuts > Edit MIDI in the menu bar.
- (This will turn most of the controls teal. But don't worry, that is okay!)
In the "Shortcuts" panel that appears, click the dropdown list and make sure the current MIDI preset is selected.
- We are currently using the nanoKONTROL2_rev3 preset.
The MIDI shortcut file has been edited
If your controls are still not functioning properly, you may need to re-download the MIDI preset from ProDrive. It is also attached to this document.
- Save and quit Resolume.
Download nanoKONTROL2_rev3.xml from this document, or from the following location on ProDrive:
- 01_GlobalAssets/04_Libraries/03_Resolume/02_Documents/Shortcuts/MIDI
Copy it to this location on your local computer (if you are asked to overwrite an existing file, choose yes):
- Documents/Resolume Arena/Shortcuts/MIDI
- Relaunch Resolume and follow the steps in the previous solution to select the correct MIDI shortcut.
Additionally, here is a quick reference guide to the functionality and layout of the Midi Controller.
Hopefully your issue was covered in this article. If none of these solutions worked and you continue to have issues. Be sure to submit a tech support ticket for further assistance. Thank you!