Here is a walkthrough for making sure your broadcast camera is powering on correctly:
Possible Causes
- Fiber connection isn't fully seated
- Camera body power switch in the incorrect position
- CCU is turned off or not receiving power
Possible Cause 1
Make sure the Fiber Cable is fully connected to the Camera. very important that you are very carefully with this connection. If unplugged, match the red line indicators on each side of the smpte port and connector.
Possible Cause 2
Make sure the power switch is set to CCU. The CCU is the main hardware unit that controls the camera settings and operation with other systems.
Possible Cause 3
Make sure the CCU in the flypack or video rack is turned on.
Hopefully your issue was covered in this article. If none of these solutions worked and you continue to have issues, please submit a tech support ticket for further assistance. Thank you!