Understanding: Campus Stage Design Process
The following is the current process a campus is asked to follow when wanting to implement a new stage design.
A new stage design MUST be approved by Tech before being implemented.
- This is to ensure things are being done safely and correctly. We will speak into design choices but in most cases will defer to the campus’s preference if there is a difference of opinion.
Please do not buy hardware and other items. The Tech team will assess the design needs and be able to provide the additional rigging and cable you need. If anything does need to be purchased, Tech will work together with you to acquire those items.
It’s important for designs to be consistent with our style and have some visual ties to Ballantyne. Since ^Link is such a significant portion of your local experience, having visual similarities between what’s on screen and what’s in the room is a strategic choice to remaining consistent in our style.
Let’s all work hard to avoid short timelines and quick implementation. The stage design process does take time but that helps ensure a high quality and safe design.